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Welcome to the new U!


Ladies, let’s talk!

True to the U is all about awareness and educating adolescent girls and women of all ages, about safer hygienic practices and feminine products.

We want to uplift and unite women of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities by sharing information that is vital to our health! Our goal is to have continuous and open dialogue where we can communicate with one another.

Check in often to hear what women are talking about or feel free to share what is on your mind by completing the Contact Us tab for future submissions. We would love to hear from you!

Awareness is key.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

We are evolving every day, so why are we not evolving when it comes to our bodies? We need to be aware of what is going ON our bodies, as well as, what is going IN our bodies; along with the risk factors associated with them.

Have you checked out the labels of the sanitary products that you use to see what they are made of? Some feminine products such as: douches, wipes, tampons (warning: can cause toxic shock syndrome), and sanitary napkins are made with toxic materials and chemicals that can be harmful.

Take a closer look and you be the judge.


Experience next level comfort.

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“Discover a new found feminine freedom.”

-A. Davis

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Spread the word!

Once you experience your new found freedom, it will be hard to keep it to yourself! So tell everyone you know about Jewel Premium Sanitary Napkins and earn free product. Tell a relative, friend, co-worker or neighbor. Hey, you get the idea!